How to Use Embracing Evangelism
Use Embracing Evangelism Digitally: Because these sessions are available for streaming and download, you may share them via group meeting platforms such as Zoom or Google Classroom. In this setting, leaders may choose to forgo the small group exercises or may utilize break-out group functions within their meeting platforms. Click here to see a webinar detailing how your small group or congregation could use the series online.

Use Embracing Evangelism with Your Small Discipleship Group: Small groups in homes or churches can download the videos or stream them from our website. Groups will find ample content for discussions and homework assignment options that participants can work on between gatherings. We encourage rotating leadership facilitation between members. The facilitator and participant guides may be used in digital or print form.
Use Embracing Evangelism on a Retreat: Communities, congregations, and dioceses may hold one or two-day retreats using all six sessions, along with the facilitator and participant guides.
Use Embracing Evangelism with Social Media and Publicity: Download a folder of social media sized graphics, suggested captions, and a promotional flyer for your small group or congregation.
Attend monthly support huddles for Embracing Evangelism leaders: We want to support leaders of this program, just as you are supporting your participants. Guided by the principles of The Way of Love and grounded in the mandate to seek, name, celebrate, and invite folks to a more profound love of God and neighbor by following Jesus, these 90-minute calls led by evangelism leaders from the Presiding Bishops office and beyond will include best practices to apply in leading small groups, whether you are a veteran leader or doing this for the first time; encouragement and companionship from leadership mentors throughout the Church; and a time of personal reflection and guided meditation to help us learn how to rest well to do good. Huddles occur at 7:30 PM Eastern. Register here and watch recordings of previous huddles below.

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