Love Beyond Us
By the Rev. Anne-Marie Jeffery

One mantra I repeat in my congregational vitality work is how important getting out into the community around the parish is. You have to be willing to meet your neighbors, to hear them and see them for you to be able to love and serve them. For many in our churches the idea of going into the world is a huge challenge. “Why can’t we just let people come to us? After all, The Episcopal Church welcomes you.” Back when church attendance was more of a given, this might have been a fine policy, but these days…not so much.
So, gently, I encourage folks to start the process of learning about their community with prayer walks around their neighborhood. They can talk to people as they go or simply observe. So many prefer option two. This hesitancy to engage holds true for many ventures that take place outside of parish walls. Unless we’re talking about a Pride parade. Somehow for the Pride parade, parishioners become transformed into people willing to wait for hours for the parade to begin, walk for miles, throw beads, and yell, I love you. Maybe it’s the celebratory atmosphere. Maybe it is because we understand that the LGBTQ+ community is in need of knowing that they are loved—especially when it comes to churches. (Even though I’ve been part of parades for 20 years, there are always so many who are surprised and thrilled that churches are showing up.)
Whatever the reason, it is glorious, and I love the response of those who come to experience the parade. This Pride month, I’m wondering how we can take that spirit of being willing to go out and show our love beyond the parade to all those LGBTQ+ people who are longing to be accepted and loved and to all the other folk who are also in need of acceptance and love. There is great injustice and pain in the world. The work Christ calls us to is to go out and be that beloved person, helping people and showing that hope and love are always possible.
The Rev. Dr. Anne-Marie Jeffery is the canon for Congregational Vitality in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.