General Convention Reflections
By Shaneequa Brokenleg, staff officer for racial reconciliation

Summer is upon us, and the whirlwind of General Convention is over. Every three years, we—bishops, clergy, lay delegates, staff, exhibitors, and observers—meet as a church, and this was my first time experiencing it in a formal way. The Union of Black Episcopalians’ meeting and conference was a great way to begin, with workshops, worship, and conversations. I felt the Holy Spirit’s presence in the preaching, song, and worship at the “Love Always” Revival. I felt joy and melancholy knowing that this Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s last revival with us our spiritual leader. However, I was grateful we could bless and commission him at this service. If you were not able to attend but would like to see the video, it is viewable here.
While a lot of business was going on, General Convention felt like a big family reunion. I caught up with friends I hadn’t seen in a long time and made new ones. We made many decisions about what we believe and care about as a church. We also elected a new presiding bishop, our soon-to-be Most Rev. Sean Rowe. Many resolutions were put forward that involved the Racial Justice and Reconciliation ministries. Below you will find several of the more than 30 resolutions passed, a tribute to the efforts and work of so many, and a testament that our work is not done and that we need to continue this vital work.
I am so grateful to everyone who helped make all these events—meetings, worship, and celebrations—so memorable at General Convention. And I am thankful for the generosity and hospitality of the people of Louisville.
Here is the revival link:
Wopila Tanka (Great Thanks)
The Rev. Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg is the staff officer for racial reconciliation at The Episcopal Church and the associate rector of Church of the Good Shepherd in South Dakota.