Staff Directory

Staff Listing by Department

Staff Directory

Sacred Ground

Anisa Sadat

Program Officer, Post Arrival R&P
(212) 716-6000 or (800) 334-7626

Sarah Sauri

Archivist for Digital Access and Collections Management
(800) 525-9329 or (512) 472-6816

Bill Savarese

Facilities Manager
(212) 716-6031

Alexa Schaffer

Program Officer - Post Arrival - R&P
(212) 716-6000 or (800) 334-7626

Aaron Scott

Staff Officer for Gender Justice

Brian Sellers-Petersen

Good News Gardens Consultant

Share the Way of Love

Sarah Shipman

Director of Operations – Episcopal Migration Ministries
(800) 334-7626

Sherri Siegel-Quinones

Receptionist / Event Coordinator
(212) 716-6021

Christopher Sikkema

Communications Project Manager
(212) 716-6055

Amanda Skofstad

Senior Public Affairs Officer

Bronwyn Clark Skov

Manager for Safe Church and Special Projects
(212) 716-6074

Mariel Smith

Program Officer
(800) 334-7626

Dina Soyfer

Accounting Associate

The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers

Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Creation Care
(212) 716-6086

Frederic Spitz

Global Relations and Networking Officer

Alison Stevenson

Program Officer, Matching Grant Compliance
(212) 716-6000 or (800) 334-7626
19 records