Staff Listing by Department
Staff Directory
Amanda Fulton
Associate for Reconciliation and Justice
Lisa Gandolfo
Travel Loan Supervisor
(800) 334-7626 or (855) 266-0030
Canon Myra Garnes
Officer for Youth Ministries
Joshua Gerras
Associate for Armed Forces and Federal Ministries
Good News Gardens
Nicolas Gordon
The Rt. Rev. Mary Gray-Reeves
Presiding Bishop’s Support Designee
Olivia Greene
(212) 716-6016
The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén
Director of Ethnic Ministries and Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries
(212) 716-6073
Susan Gundlach
Senior Program Officer – Remote Placement
(212) 716-6000 or (800) 334-7626
Su Hadden
Operations Manager and Executive Assistant to the COO
(212) 716-6240
Patrick Haizel
Deputy for Administration and Operations
(212) 716-6046
David E. Hales
Deputy for Administration
(800) 525-9329 or (512) 472-6816
The Rev. Ann Hallisey
Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Ministry Within the Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. Bradley Hauff
Missioner for Indigenous Ministries
(212) 716-6151
Ann Hercules
Associate for Ministry Beyond The Episcopal Church
(212) 716-6321
Sarah Hewitt
Program Officer, R&P Pre-Arrival – Virtual Family Re-Unification
Patricia E. Holley
Senior Officer, Human Resources
(212) 716-6035