Ecumenical Dialogue Partners
The Episcopal Church is engaged in formal bilateral talks with the following churches. These dialogues have been established by act of General Convention and are provided with oversight by the Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations in conjunction with clergy and laity appointed by the EIR and the Office of General Convention:
The United Methodist-Episcopal Church Dialogue

The United Methodist-Episcopal Church dialogue began meeting in 2002; it was endorsed by the 2000 General Convention and reauthorized by the 2006 General Convention.
Presbyterian-Episcopal Church Dialogue

The Episcopal Church participated in dialogue with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) within the context of the earlier Consultation on Church Union. A bilateral dialogue was established in 2000.
Anglican-Roman Catholic Church Dialogue

The Episcopal Church has been in dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church for more than 40 years through the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue in the USA (ARC-USA), and on the international level through the Anglican Communion Office in the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Consultations (ARCIC).
Ecumenical Covenants
One dimension of ecumenical relations is the development of covenants by Christian communities on a statewide or other local levels, often among churches that are organized with bishops as judicatory leaders. The following are links to the texts of such covenants to which Episcopalians are signatories.
- A Covenant among the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Northwest Lower Michigan Synod, the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan, and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gaylord
- Virginia Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic-United Methodist Covenant (2006)
- South Carolina LARCUM Covenant (1995)
- LARC Central Pennsylvania Covenant (1993)
- Milwaukee Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic Covenant
- Covenant between the Episcopal Diocese of Albany and Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany