UTO Blue Goes Green! UTO Grant Story – Montana 2022

By the Rev. Rowan Larson, Incoming UTO Board Vice President for Grants
One of my favorite grants since I joined the UTO Board in 2021 was the 2022 grant to the Episcopal Diocese of Montana to install low-flow toilets in 18 parishes across the state, most of them rural. It wasn’t the largest grant in 2022—in fact, it was one of the smallest at $22,100.
Besides the toilets, the grant included components of education and advocacy with Interfaith Power and Light for each church to be eligible to receive its toilet. This was not the most exciting grant I’ve ever read. I mean, it’s for toilets! But my wife is from Montana, so I knew something about the water situation in the state when I evaluated this application. Every flush counts!
Imagine my delight, having been called to St. James in Bozeman, Montana, in January, to find a UTO toilet in my church’s bathroom! My new window cling from UTO usually resides on my office window, next to the door to our parish house, but I couldn’t resist putting it on our UTO toilet for a little photoshoot.