Bronwyn Clark Skov
Manager for Safe Church and Special Projects(646) 242-1421
Safe Church Network
Welcome to the Safe Church Network, a diocesan-level community of learning and practice. The structure and governance of The Episcopal Church recognizes the authority of General Convention to set policy and depends upon local dioceses to implement those policies. The Safe Church Network welcomes diocesan-level administrators, trainers, chancellors, and executives to share information, participate in training, provide critical feedback regarding policy and training, and engage in best practices across the church.
The following resource areas are password-protected so that individual learners have no choice but to be in touch with their local Episcopal institution to participate in prevention practices and training in compliance with your diocesan policies and statutes. To gain access, please complete or update your diocesan status here. Or you can email safechurch@episcopalchurch.org to request the password.
- Resources for Diocesan Coordinators
- Training Schedule
- Monthly Meetings