Episcopalians are passionate about proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in our words and actions.
Through the spiritual practice of evangelism, we seek, name and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people – then invite everyone to MORE.
The Evangelism Toolkit
Every baptized Episcopalian has vowed to proclaim with our words and our lives the loving, liberating, and life-giving good news of Jesus Christ. Through the spiritual practice of evangelism, we seek, name and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people – then invite everyone to more. The Evangelism Toolkit helps us to live into that call.
Available in Spanish and Haitian Creole
Evangelism OF the Church
We will center our lives on Jesus and become practicing Christian communities
Evangelism BY the Church
We will reclaim and practice evangelism.
Evangelism FOR the Church
We will expand the number and diversity of people who engage
the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement.
The Rev. Canon
Stephanie Spellers
Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Creation CareThis page is available in: English